Namespace: View

ol. View

A View object represents a simple 2D view of the map.



flyTo(options, done)

FlyTo animation

Name Type Description
options viewTourDestinations
done function

callback function called at the end of an animation, called with true if the animation completed

takeTour(destinations, options)

Start a tour on the map

Name Type Description
destinations Array.<viewTourDestinations> | Array.<Array>

an array of destinations or an array of [x,y,zoom,destinationType]

options Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
delay number <optional>

delay between 2 destination

type string <optional>

animation type (flyTo, moveTo) to use if not defined in destinations

easing function <optional>

easing function used during the animation if not defined in destinations

done function <optional>

callback function called at the end of an animation, called with true if the tour completed

step function <optional>

callback function called when a destination is reached with the step index as param