ol-ext: interaction TouchCursor

ol/interaction/TouchCursor is an interaction that shift the finger position to let the cursor visible when interacting on the map.
Interaction coordinates are shifted to the top left corner of a cursor that can be move with the finger.
You can add your own buttons (up to 5 / 8) to the cursor to handle optional functionnalities. ol/interaction/TouchCursorSelect is an interaction to select features under the cursor. Add you own buttons to do tomething with the selection...
ol/interaction/TouchCursorModify combines a ModifyFeature interaction with a TouchCursor and lets you see what you do when you modify features on mobile without hidding it with finger. You can also access functionnality usually handled by option keys (delete a point on a linestring).
ol/interaction/TouchCursorDraw combines a Draw interaction with a TouchCursor to lets you draw precisely on mobile. You can also access functionnality usually handled by option keys (remove last point, cancel drawing).