ol-ext: Search control
ol.control.Search is the base class for search controls.
You can use it for simple custom search or as base to new class.
the getTitle function return the string that will be display in the autocompletion menu
autocomplete is a function called on each tipping to search a string. The result can be returned directly or in a callback for asynchronous puposes.
typing is a is a delay (in ms) on each typing to start a new search. Use -1 to prevent autocompletion (search will be trigger when Enter key is pressed).
minLength is the minimum caracters for autocompletion.
maxItems is the maximum lines displayed in the menu.
use placeholder as placeholder for the input.
Derived search controls:
Type a letter in the search bar to search for a position
(Paris, London, Geneve, Bruxelles, Berlin, Madrid, Roma).