ol-ext: SVG Filters comparison

SVG filters

SVG or Scalable Vector Graphics are mainly concerned with vector graphic shapes. However, SVG can be used to manipulate images and apply cool effects. This guide shows you how to build SVG image processing filters to create interesting visual effects and compare resulting outputs with image refrences.

SVG filters can be used in image processing and computer vision, within edge detection algorithms where it creates an image emphasising edges and provide an approximation of the image gradient.
See Openlayers implementation on aerial photo for fast edge detection.

Sobel filter

We use reference images from the Wikipedia Sobel operator page to compare the magnitude of the gradient between test images and SVG filter results.

Wikipedia reference image

Wikipedia Sobel
SVG Sobel filter

Example comparisons

Here, four different gradient operators are used to estimate the magnitude of the gradient of the test image from wikipedia.

Grayscale test image of brick wall and bike rack

SVG Laplacian filter

Wikipedia Sobel–Feldman operator

SVG Sobel filter

Wikipedia Roberts cross operator

SVG Roberts filter

Wikipedia Prewitt operator

SVG Prewitt filter

Filter definition:

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